child dispute services centre
Davenport Campbell recently completed the refurbishment of a Child Dispute Services Centre at the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, Sydney.
The key objectives of the project were to upgrade the existing facilities, address the operational needs and to provide a safe and child-centric environment.
Transforming the current formal and imposing space to a friendly, calm and child centric space required some insight into the behavioral patterns of the children and clients. Engaging with the family consultants and stakeholders who have a deep understanding of their clients helped us to develop a conceptual idea for the space of ‘Nature, Nurture, Protect’.
We have created a calming and nurturing environment by introducing playful elements such as cubby seats that have been scaled for children. This playfulness has been enhanced by the use of feature lighting that reflect lit tree branches. The finishes palette features vibrant colours balanced with natural materials.