Where does your design inspiration come from?
I’ve always had two strong interests; graphic design and sport. I like the versatility of graphic design, as it can be less constrictive than the built environment and offer a chance to test a lot of ideas quickly. There is also so much cool design in the world of sports; logos, apparel, marketing. I’ve always been attracted to bold contrasts (black vs white) and angles creating simple, dramatic moves.

What is your favourite thing about your job?
The start and the finish. The early stages are extremely fun, where your ideas flow and anything is possible, while the true satisfaction comes when the doors open and people experience the spaces for the first time. The middle is filled with tears.

What makes you happiest at the end of a project?
When a good idea turns out even better than expected. We plan and design on a small scale and hope that it will turn out as we imagine. The first time you can actually walk through a space that you’ve only ever experienced on a screen is really rewarding.

Can you share a rule from your personal design book?
Don’t force it. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not. Say goodbye to the idea and try again.

Let’s Get Personal

What really makes you angry?
People not saying thank you when you hold the door open for them. And anchovies. They ruin pizza.

Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
Pumbaa. I’m tall and skinny now, but I definitely used to enjoy the sweeter side of life as a kid.

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
World Cup 2006. Germany. Kaiserslautern. Fritz-Walter Stadium. Italy vs Australia. 0-0. I’d sit in a different seat and yell at Lucas Neill to stay on his feet! Italy went on to win the World Cup, therefore logic dictates we would have too had we won that match.

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
I’m not saying that Leo would be ‘perfect’… but he’s unavailable.

What was your first job?
Dominoes delivery driver. I once delivered to a house with no porch lighting in Mount Colah and fell off a ledge about 2m, landing on my side and giving myself a concussion. I kept the pizza flat though. Not a pepperoni out of place.

What is one thing you will never do again?
Go to the Royal Easter Show fresh food pavilion and ask to try the hottest chilli paste they have. My day was ruined. I left early and missed the Precision Driving Team.


